What's Better Than Cats? We'll Tell You!

It’s April 4th, which means we’ve all survived another April Fools’ Day with our pride mostly intact. You’re right: we’re not really working on a Cat Invasion! digital decoration – even though we still think it would have been pretty great. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have something exciting in the works.

As you know, we received thousands of responses from our recent survey about what kinds of characters and themes you would like to see. And based on your ideas, we’ve put together a captivating storyline for our next AtmosFEARfx digital decoration.

For our next digital decoration, we’ve chosen a haunting theme featuring one big happy family of ghosts. (We’re kidding about the “happy” part.) The ghosts occupy a long-abandoned estate that was once their home. After centuries without ‘living’ tenants in their derelict manor, the lord and lady of the house and their twin children have turned to haunting each other to pass their tedious, endless days.

So here is where you can help. We need a name for this digital decoration and we want you to help us select the best one. Pick your favorite from the list at the link below – and feel free to write in your own idea, too.

Click here to take our short survey

This survey will close on Sunday, April 10th, so don’t miss out on your chance to have your voice heard!

(Oh, and just because we think Cat Invasion! would be still be awesome, you can download the “official” desktop wallpaper below.)


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